Last week, Cockermouth Town Council were asked to consider whether they would support the cross-party Climate and Ecology Bill, which calls for a citizen’s assembly to support the work of our government on the climate crisis. Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem and Independent Councillors voted to add Cockermouth’s support for this important step forward. Mark Jenkinson MP was the only elected representative present who opposed it.
In his comments he could have suggested an alternative way forward. He could have expressed his commitment to tackling the climate crisis in other ways. His silence spoke volumes.
As Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, leader of the Liberal Democrats Ed Davey, promoted the UK’s work addressing the climate crisis whist simultaneously ensuring the UK had a clear plan to ‘keep the lights on’.
Last week a huge number of people in the USA worked tirelessly to depose extreme right-wing populism and replace it with evidence- and value-led politics. Every atom inside me hopes that T&S readers will join political parties and will do the same.
Rebecca Hanson
County Councillor (Cockermouth North)