West Cumbria Liberal Democrats chair Phill Roberts with Chris Davies (former MP and MEP and Chair of North West Liberal Democrats), Rebecca Hanson (West Cumbria Liberal Democrats Membership Officer) with Tim Farron (picture from 2013).
With membership soaring (West Cumbria Liberal Democrats have seen a rise of over 50%) and a popular and charismatic leader appointed (Cumbrian MP Tim Farron), the Liberal Democrats have started their fight back strongly.
Old members met new at a recent social event and there are plans afoot for more members events this autumn and winter in addition to the usual excellent AGM and dinner in November. Join us, come along and be inspired by other members! Watch Tim Farron’s first speech as leader here.
Sadly it’s not all been good news as we recently lost Ian Francis. He was a hard working, long serving Liberal Democrat Councillor on Allerdale Borough Council – working alongside Allan Caine. He chaired the Allerdale Planning and Development committee for several years and also represented St Michael’s, Workington on Cumbria County Council. Ian served in the war and last year, despite ill health, managed to get to the D-Day reunion.